Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Balancing the interests of the one among the many
Owner Occupied Realization
Coops favor owner occupants.   I'm just writing...  not as an authority... Some people write about that which they know.  We write about what we want to find out about... 

We shareholders may have a lease issued by a corporation but we own that corporation.  The coop is not our landlord.  We maintain our own places and when there are building issues we either directly pay for them or share their expense with all shareholders.

We have a reserve fund from which to draw for repairs, renovations and improvements funded by an underlying loan secured by the deeds to our two properties..

That loan functions as a hot potato which people who live here upon its maturity must face.

But all possessions have the quality of a hot potato.  We are but stewards of what we possess.....

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