Thursday, October 18, 2012

I have written a new musical, The Ocean Floaters, which will occur deep within the bowels of Sam Moree's Holographic Sea Cafe, an exhibition at the Williamsburg Art and Historical Center's WAH Theater of Performing Arts.
Ben Folstein
Diana Sheivprasad
Karen Lynn Miller
Mike Allen Hill
Kimberly-Jo Mossel,
and Anne-Marie Levey-Allauzen.

Working backwards over the years, my Cinema VII projects are:

2012:  The Ocean Floaters
2010:  A  Question of Solitude (The James Bond Opera)
2008:  Cow City
2007:  2.2.2 (Hermaphroditism Through the Ages)
2006:  TentagatneT
2004:  The Sea Heiress
2003:  The Marriage at the Statue of Liberty
2001:  The Golf Wars
2000:  The Last Dodo
1999:  Witchfinders
1998:  Coppelia
1997:  The Eleventh Hour
1997:  The Peace Mission
1996:  Shipping the Satellite
1996:  Prepare to Meet Your Maker
1995:  Pro-Choice on Mental Health

I think that's the list for the last 17 years

In The Ocean Floaters I have Couched my nine songs in an evocative, sketchy script, meant more to stimulate the imagination than satiate it.

The stages through the creative process include this:  I have reordered songs to produce an outline for a script, the most "famous" being the Bacharach/David Lost Horizon score for my adolescent ghost story, The Eleventh Hour.

In this case, Ben Folstein reordered my songs, producing the outline to the script we have here...

Four performances at 135 Broadway, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY  11211 October 26, 27, November 2 and 3.  .